GSP Has To Send His Only Suit To Dry Cleaners

While making an appearance in Manchester, England at UFC 105 GSP got a stain on his one and only pinstriped suit. The suit was sent out to dry cleaning immediately but it is not known if the stain can be completely removed.

The fact that GSP dresses up for public appearances is viewed by most as very respectful of the sport. It is seen as a nice change from the normal MMA ensemble of a t-shirt with a picture of a lion raping a tiger on top of a cross but now his only suit is in jeopardy.

"I was eating ehhhh french friez after the event and ehhh I unfortunately spilled some ketchup on my suit." An agitated GSP said about the incident. "Luckily, my trainer Firas Zahibi was there and he tried to dab seltzer on it which helped a little but did not remove the stain completely. So ehhhh we had to give it to the dry cleaners."

No one could confirm or deny if the cleaners got the stain out but many are wondering if this could prompt GSP to have to buy a new suit.